Friday, May 27, 2011

Stuff That Happened - 5.27.2011

Whoa, this thing's still here! Well, might as well use it to post my new thing that may or may not take off/become a regular habit. I culled some of the week's news, as well as my witticisms from Twitter, and voila!

As/if this progresses, I'll work out the kinks. As it was, the digital world was against me on this endeavor. My audio came out a good second ahead of the video (which drives me crazy). Then, I didn't realize that I couldn't embed the photos into the original file, so I had to finish editing and producing everything else, THEN I ran it through a program that would let me overlay photos live ("We'll do it LIVE!", a la '90s Bill O'Reilly). Then, I discovered that the picture-in-picture feature in said program was non-negotiable, and as such, I should've been further into one corner of the frame or the other. Lessons learned! Anyhow, here you go. [UPDATE: A little birdy assisted me in acquiring kick-ass software to closer produce the vision in my mental l'il head. HQ version is now embedded below.]

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